Fleet pig got word … and ended up as bacon

The pig Tirpitz became known for his heroism, but temptations in the henhouse meant that he had to fall.

The pig Tirpitz became known for his heroism, but temptations in the henhouse meant that he had to fall.

When the German battleship Dresden was sunk in 1915 off the coast of Chile, one pig managed to escape from the train.

The captain and crew had abandoned the sinking ship and the pig had made the same decision out of his common sense.

Soon after, the swimming pig was rescued from the sea by sailors aboard the English warship Glasgow.

They named the pig Tirpitz after the pride of the German Navy and also awarded it for showing exceptional courage and being the last to leave Dresden.

Tirpitz became popular with the crew and stayed on board for a year, when it was transferred to a military school.

There the pig went off the rails in the hen house and was sent back to the captain in Glasgow.

They did not get along and in 1919 this brave animal ended up as bacon at auction. The proceeds went to the British Red Cross.

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