First of all, it is important to keep in mind that there were many different types of dinosaurs and that they probably had different tastes.
It can also be pointed out that birds are actually dinosaurs and as a result we should be able to imagine how they behaved.
Let’s take the grasshopper as an example.
Crocodiles taste like fish
The closest living relatives of the gecko are birds and crocodiles, and as a result it would be natural to imagine that the meat of the gecko resembled a chicken or a crocodile, but this need not have been the case.
The taste of meat is determined by the food that the animal puts in its mouth. Chicken feed consists mostly of wheat and soy; crocodiles, on the other hand, mainly eat fish, while lizards feed on other lizards.
The taste of the meat is also due to the muscle red in the muscles, which is the substance that, among other things, gives beef its red color. The redder the meat, the tastier it will be.
A small amount of muscle red results in huge muscles, for example in chicken breasts that are light in color.
Muscles with a high content of muscle red, on the other hand, have more endurance.
Grasshoppers tasted like gamma
Grass lizards are known to rely on endurance rather than speed when hunting their prey, and as a result, they probably have a not-unfamiliar taste of a mixture of chicken and beef.
If the intention was to find a living animal with the same type of meat as the gecko, a red-meat raptor is the most likely choice.
The closest bird is the white-headed vulture because it does not only eat carrion, but also regularly hunts for food.